Whether you file your contacts in CRM, Outlook, an accounting programme or a different application or software, most of these tools allow you to export your contacts into Excel, a file with the extension ‘’xlsx’’ or a text file with the extension ‘’csv’’.
If you exported your contacts into a file with the ‘‘xlsx‘‘ extension, you can open it in Excel and we will show you how to prepare the contacts to be imported to Quanda.
If you exported your contacts into a text file with the ‘‘csv‘‘ extension, let’s see how we can open this file in Excel. You probably tried to open the file right after exporting. The file will open in Excel, but the content won’t be arranged into columns and will look messy. That is why Excel has its own way to open the ‘‘csv‘‘ files.
How to proceed when you want to open a file with a ‘‘csv‘‘ extension in Excel.
There are only a few simple steps.
- Open a blank workbook in Excel.
- Click ‘‘Data‘‘ in the upper menu.
- In the menu on the next line (usually on the left), you will find section ‘‘Upload and transform data‘‘ and then ‘‘From text/CSV‘‘. Different versions of Excel have slight differences but the names and places are very similar.
- Choose ‘‘From text/CSV‘‘ and search the downloaded file.
- Click the button for import.
- Depending on the version of Excel you are using, the following steps might differ a bit. But the principle is always the same.
- Select that your file contains dividers.
- If the language you are viewing isn’t right (Czech for example), use coding ‘‘UTF 8‘‘.
- Choose a comma as a divider and finish the import.
You should now see all your data in Excel in the right shape and in columns. If it didn’t work out, please contact us on phone or write an email to the support.
For the following import, I recommend importing these basic pieces of information.
- Name.
- Surname.
- Phone number.
- Email.
- Tag.
Quanda uses tags to separate contacts into groups.
By assigning a tag you are placing a contact into a group. Contact tags can help you work with your contacts effectively in many places in Quanda. For example, you can use them to quickly choose the recipients of an email campaign. Think about what groups of contacts you will need for further communication. I recommend separating your contacts to current and potential customers. These 2 groups will usually get different information. You can also create other tags that will sort contacts into different groups – by product categories, places of their purchase, the way of purchasing them, the way they use your products, the relationship to your company, their influence on closing a deal and so on.
For every created group, it is important to set up a plan about what information and when to send it to this group so that these contacts get the right information, and they get it regularly.
This planning will affect the results of your email campaigns. That is why I recommend spending some time on assigning tags and creating groups and doing it thoroughly.
Do not overdo it with the number of groups though. It is important to be able to create emails for different groups according to the plan you set up and to communicate regularly with your contacts.
Create an individual column for the ‘‘Contact tags‘‘ in Excel. If you need to assign one contact to more groups, write the individual tags into one column, one cell and separate them with a comma. Quanda will create these tags while importing and assign them automatically to the contact. If you want to put contacts into the same group, choose the same tag. All the spaces, lowercase and uppercase letters, diacritics are distinguished in tags.
Quanda lets you use a variety of automatizations that can create address according to the surname or name in vocative, determine gender, fill out the date of a name day, fill out user’s fields, add or remove contact tags or send emails. These automatizations can be launched right when creating new contacts or when editing current contacts. These automatizations can be found in the upper menu in section Contacts / Automatizations.
Not all tariffs offer automatizations of contacts., Please have a look at page www.quanda.cz/prices, where you can find what tariffs offer these automatizations and in what range.
If you have all the information you want to import ready, save the file. Select a ‘‘xlsx‘‘ or ‘‘csv‘‘ type of file while saving.
If you are saving a file with the ‘‘csv‘‘ extension, Excel will show you a few options of saving a ‘‘csv‘‘ file. Always choose the one that has text values with dividers in its name or description. Do not use ‘‘csv‘‘ for ‘‘MS-DOS‘‘ or ‚‘‘Macintosh‘‘ because these formats aren’t supported in Quanda.
You can always redo, correct, update or add new contacts and information to the contact import.
Quanda is also ready for the record of all the important information according to GDPR. Thanks to import you can import a legal title of GDPR, the purpose of GDPR and its validity and set up the permission to send further emails. More in > How to correctly import legal aspects of GDPR.
Do you have any question? We will gladly answer them. You can contact our customer support and write an email to: support@onquanda.com.